This episode of the Wargames, Soldiers, and Strategy podcast is a mixed bag. We kick things off with the launch of the Great War Games Survey for 2024. Following up on last month's chat with Joe Bilton, we'll delve back into terrain and Jasper's experiments with the wonder product of decorators' caulking. Additionally, Guy brings us the latest news from the world of wargaming.
Great Wargaming Survey
WSS Online
General D'Armee 2 (Reisswitz Pres)
Blood Red Roses (Society of Ancients)
Tint Tiny Terrain (Baccus)
Baccus; Teeny Tiny Terrain - The movie!
In this episode, Jasper brings us some big news about Wargames, Soldiers and Strategy, and we talk to terrain guru Joe Bilton who gives us some hints and tips.
WSS Online, a new way to read
Server Down, websites out
‘Nam 68 (PSC)
Bolt Action: Third Edition
Stargrave: Dead or Alive (Osprey)